Dec 16, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Kudos you you, I had never noted that particular (and peculiar) detail. One might point to the "blue handed" men, but it's clear that they are contractors with Blue Sun, not officially Alliance.

Of course, the relationship between Blue Sun and the Alliance is never made clear either, the former could exercise much more control over that latter than anybody knows. They do appear to be the ones responsible for what happened to River.

One cavil with your inclusion of Book as a former Operative - he obviously still has some official standing, as evidenced by his identity documents. I like to think that Book was not an Operative, or not wholly... I like to think that he was actually at a level above them, one of the official Alliance personnel to whom the Operatives reported. Hence he wasn't wiped and tossed away like Early. And of course I have always found it an amusing detail that the black bounty hunter is named Jubal Early.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

I loved both movie and series, but contrary to your advice, I'd advise to NOT watch the movie first. That's how I got first intro'd, and that ending did kind of affect how I felt watching the series.

Separately, I gifted my dad the DVD of the series and he watched it and was hooked. When he found out there wasn't a second season he was so upset; this would be a topic of our phone calls for months on end.

What I like about the series/movie is the world building. The writers really had me sold that the 'verse of Firefly was a possible future: a lovely mix of wild west and the future.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Shepherd Book's past is fleshed out in a follow on comic book that is canon, according to Whedon and whoever is in charge of the Firefly property at this point. There are actually a lot of Firefly 'Verse comics out since then. Follows the (mis)adventures of the Serenity crew in the near term after the events of the movie and years down the road. They even return the the Earth That Was at one point.

In the comic about Shepherd Book, he wasn't an operative in the manner of the Operative in the theatrical release. He was a sleeper agent for the Independents, who murdered the original Darriel Book, assumed his identity, and worked his way up the ranks of the Alliance military, and was a key figure in one of the Independent's biggest military victories against the Alliance, which ended up with them marooning him on a backwater planet, without court martialing him, hence why he still has valid Alliance credentials.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

I missed it when it was on Fox, but bought the DVDs as soon as I learned about them (one of the bloggers at Sgt Mom's mentioned the show, I think). Saw Serenity on opening day and a couple times after in the theater, doing what I could to help it have good box-office numbers. Bought that DVD, too.

I watch them regularly (at least once/year), sometimes on DVD, sometimes streaming. Out of Gas is my favorite episode.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Don't know about this premise. First, Jubal Early is a self-proclaimed "bounty hunter." If you dismiss the "Blue Hands" because they're contractors to the Alliance, you have to similarly dismiss Early. Also, in the episode "Serenity" (S01E11), Lawrence Dobson was Alliance, and he was white.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

Take my love,

Take my land,

Take me where I cannot stand,

I don't care,

I'm still free,

You can't take the sky from me,

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Nice Kor reference.

Firefly was Trek-like in its ephemeral glory. Unfortunately, it will not rise again. I immediately bought the 16-episode boxed set when it became available.

I noticed the Black thing about operatives, but didn't give it much mind. I always like that the Alliance was not an evil empire, as one operative mentioned. It's the Chinese-American Alliance. We never really had a chance to flesh that out.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

In the DVD commentary of that episode Whedon notes that Early takes out the Serenity's crew members in order of the threat they represent. Book is knocked out first and very suddenly.

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Mar 7Liked by Juliette Ochieng

OOooooooh, this is juicy! So, we've got blue hands, black men (operatives). I'm going to have to watch the series again and see if theres more color themes in there. The other thing to remember too is, Joss does like to throw in complete red herrings to make his fans come up with outrageous conspiracies.

I would love to have seen where this series went, there was so much being hinted at and so many areas they could have explored. When I think of Firefly, I always end up pondering one line, uttered by Mal. "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.' This line to me, could be the writing prompt for thousand of stories and always reminds me that there are two sides to every story.

Of course, in Firefly, there were many sides. Damn, we need to see some more of that.

Anyone got Joss's mailing address? Maybe I could convine him (beg him mercilessly) to continue the story in novel form?

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

If you haven't already watched it you may want to try the original Cowboy Bebop anime series. Not being any particular fan of anime I had never seen it, but I decided to give it a go after the fuss over the live-action remake* recently and would now recommend it to anyone who liked Firefly. The stories are set in our solar system in the future and follow a small group of bounty hunters as they chase their prey (and try to avoid bankruptcy) in their old spaceship, the bebop. The tone varies from comedic to dramatic with a strong musical influence and I regard it as a real masterwork by the incredibly talented artists who made it.

*I still haven't seen the live-action version and don't see any reason to, the original was already perfect.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

I was thinking of the pax virus a while ago, but never made this connection.

To me, it makes some sense after learning of the odd coincidences and connections involved with one of our recent presidents.


Today I was in the children's section of Barnes and Noble, looking for a Frog and Toad book as a Christmas gift. I was surprised to see "Michelle Obama, Superhero" between Frog and Toad and Pete the Cat in the early readers section. Barack was there in the Little Golden Books section, next to the three little pigs for some reason. Michelle's Becoming was featured in the adapted for young readers section and of course outside of the childrens section, the family seemed to dominate the store.

Could the Obamas truly be THIS popular this Christmas season?

Perhaps they are.

If they are not, they seem to have some very powerful backers or operatives behind them.

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They were ordered to cancel firefly because ofnthat. The fans funded it instead.

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Look at the pax virus solution. That was why firefly was ordered canceled because it gave too much truth away. Blue hands were also the red shield emblem colors. Khazarian blue gold. Corona blue.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Juliette Ochieng

When I first watched the scene in the first video, I thought, "Why doesn't the woman who saw the Operative murder three people just call the cops, or pull out a gun and blow him away?" (The answer, of course, is, "Because it's a movie and there's still two hours left. Now, hush.")

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The men, hands of blue, where white. They were awesome creepy. The operative in the move was black and that did not matter because he was great, and he later was in the Doctor Strange movie. Jubly Early, a mercenary, was black, but he was a good actor and delivered all his lines greatly You are reading too effing much into casting.

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Brill, interesting and educational…I never tumbled to the fact that the operatives were all black men. Brilliant series and film, odd that it was a product of so many lefty actors/producer/directors who didn’t believe in “misbehaving” in their real lives.

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