Mar 27, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

We were all gaslighted.

Fauci is a criminal for what he did and I won't vote for Trump because he let Fauci ruin us.

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All the conservative Jewish day schools in my neighborhood were up and running through the last few years, while all the other schools (including privates) were shut down by the government.

Meanwhile, a friend works at a gym in L.A., and when they were open, but supposed to be masking, in walks Barbara Ferrer, looking to join. She was maskless, of course. (She's the non-medico who decided Los Angeles County's covid restrictions.) A couple weeks ago, California decided people in healthcare no longer needed to mask. Ferrer decided otherwise. Patients and people around them still have to mask. The rest of the country is open and behaving normally, but Ferrer wants to prove L.A. is holier than thou. She said she might reconsider between now and September 2023. As for the gym, the staff recognized her and subtly let her know that maybe a different gym would be a better fit.

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Excellent article. Back in March 2020 I didn’t have a tv. I know that’s what prevented me from being sucked in to all the craziness.

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Feb 3rd, 2020? Werent the stay at home orders late march 2020? Fine post, in any case.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

I had to wear a mask recently in a doctor's office. Of course, I didn't have one so they had to provide it.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Juliette Ochieng

We can tell when we go grocery shopping on the weekend who the visitors from LA are because they are still wearing masks.

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And today on Tuesday, 18 July 2023 California continues it's decent into destruction. Sadly though, it's the majority of the country but at different rates of speed, California is just expedited.

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Mask Mandate? Is this a california thing?

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